Makes Dynamic Headings for Blogger SEO

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   Dynamic Headings is a condition for optimization your post to search engines. Your article headings in the blogger will more be important on search engine crawl if you makes it to dynamic. With makes it to Dynamic, you can be increased SEO of your blog. Dynamic headings is a condition where H1 tag in the blog headings and H2 tag in the post headings when the homepage is displayed. And if the single page is displayed, that position is changed to inverse, H1 in the post headings and div on the blog headings.

Tutorial menghitung IPK dengan Formula Microsoft Excel 2007

Menghitung atau memprediksi IPK dengan cara simple sangat penting saat kita sedang dalam menuntut ilmu di perkuliahan dan anak kuliah harus banyak mengenal computer loh, tapi bagaimana cara Menghitung IPK dengan mudah?gampang, tapi ini beda bro. Perlu ketelitian dan keseriusan dalam menghitung IPK dengan formula Microsoft Excel 2007 wahahaha..Tutorial Microsoft Ecxel 2007 ini saya buat khusus untuk mahasiswa